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Hava Nashira Scholarship

There is significant scholarship support for camp songleaders and a small number of regular participants thanks to the Make it a Bridge Fund, made possible by the generosity of Philip and Barbara Meltzer, founded in memory of their son Steve Meltzer.


Steve was a lifelong URJ camper, staff member, youth advisor, teacher, songleader, songwriter, and performer who attended Hava Nashira for many years. Steve died unexpectedly in 2009 at the age of 45. The Make it a Bridge Fund, named after one of Steve’s original compositions, was set up to provide scholarship assistance to those attending Hava Nashira, an event that Steve loved so much.  


Make it a Bridge Fund scholarships are based on financial need. We request that potential candidates fiirst ask for assistance from your camp, congregation, employer, or Hillel, as they are often willing to be the primary source of funding for assistance for this program.


If you are a Camp Songleader, and need extra dollars beyond what your camp is able to pay, please apply here.​


If you are hoping to attend Hava Nashira as a regular participant, and need extra financial support, please apply here.


Your voice is important to our community. Please do not let funds be a barrier and we hope to see you in Oconomowoc!


If you have other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to email us at

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North Bethesda, MD

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