Past Offerings
Since our launch in January 2022, we have a offered a variety of classes, conferences, and workshops showcasing some of the best teachers, thinkers, and song leaders working in the Jewish communal space.
These programs were developed through ongoing partnerships, based on input from the community, or simply because we wanted to get behind a really good idea.
In addition, we present or participate in events that exemplify the many ways people gather to sing together.
We also continue to run Hava Nashira and Shabbat Shira, and offered a very successful Professional Development, course during summer 2023, in which we offered songleading coaching for adults (a track for clergy and a track for school educators) on ways to improve communal singing in sacred prayer spaces, schools, or camps.
If you are interested in hosting a Sing Unto God event or want to partner with us to build community through song in your community or organization, please email Rosalie.
Past Community Events