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Professional Development
with Cantor Rosalie Will

This summer, 2023, we're offering songleading coaching for adults on ways to improve communal singing in sacred prayer spaces, schools, or camps. Designed for collaborative learning, participants will learn from Cantor Will and each another about best practices, new repertoire, and strategies for strengthening engagement through song.

Four sessions, $295 per person

All sessions will be virtual and recorded

Professional Development:
Songleading for Clergy


Wednesday July 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2023  | 12:30 - 1:30 pm Eastern

Do you serve as clergy in your congregation and would like more skills introducing, teaching, and leading communal singing during prayer? This class is designed for clergy who are more "beginner" songleaders who would like to learn how to encourage their group to sing.


Together with a small group of learners, you will learn techniques for leading song in prayer spaces including:


  • How to teach effectively and sensitively (both techniques for melody and for context giving)

  • Using body and voice to cue the congregation

  • How to select repertoire

  • How to teach new (or familiar) melodies effectively from the bima


The class will afford opportunities to master class something you'd like to work on for your worship songleading in a safe space. With a limited class size, you'll receive plenty of dedicated instruction and feedback.

Professional Development:
Songleading for Music and
Religious School Teachers


Tuesday June 13, 20, July 11 and 18, 2023 |  7:30 - 8:30 pm Eastern

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Cantor Rosalie Will, Executive Director of Sing Unto God, brings more than 25 years of experience in training songleaders, leading worship, and creating singing communities.

After 16 years with Temple Emanuel in Kensington, MD, she now consults congregations on issues of worship, music, and synagogue transition, and she mentors clergy in the field.


Cantor Will produces events which lead the cutting edge of worship and music thinking, trains communal singing professionals on best principles for communal singing as well as singing for justice, and has just published a narrative trade book with Transcontinental Music Publishing entitled Songleading: A Work of Art.


She also supports the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) on issues of worship and music.

Do you teach religious school music, day camp music, music with adults and kids? Looking for  some tools, tips, and back pocket ideas that will help you develop engaged young singers?


In these small group sessions you will:


  • Learn more about ways to create opportunities for successful singing with kids

  • Understand how to be better prepared for space and timing challenges

  • Grow more confident in your teaching techniques


With opportunities to teach the group and receive personalized feedback, you will go into your classroom—wherever it is located—better equipped to sing successfully with young people. 

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North Bethesda, MD

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