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Hava Nashira Program
May 18 - 21, 2025 | URJ OSRUI, Oconomowoc, WI

Samples of the 2024 Intensives and Electives can be found via the buttons on this page.

Overall, the program contains:

  • Daily Tefilot (prayer experiences)

  • Course learning of about 4 to 6 hours per day: in 90 - 120 minute learning blocks, 60-75 minute workshops on diverse topics, and select tracks of multiple courses, creating relationships between learners and content, going deep on a particular area of focus

  • Evening programs of repertoire, new and old, and full group sharing of new styles and modalities

  • Participant led repertoire share

  • Late-night 'open-mic' where participants share amazing talents

  • Open free time to rest, sit with a new friend and write a song, trouble-shoot a challenging situation in your work, or just enjoy the beauty that is OSRUI's grounds

  • Hours and hours of singing!

  • To see a sample schedule of the conference, click here!


Participants will leave with resources in the form of program and pedagogical ideas for work with children and families, strategies for thinking about worship evolution and vision setting, dynamic new ways of thinking about the music of justice and social movements, repertoire for teens, families and adults—and, more importantly, relationships with a diverse group of passionate leaders who are driven to build and lead communities of song all over the world. 


The Hava Nashira community thrives on instant singing. We often engage live in the moment without notation, but notation is sometimes offered during the program, and always shared at the conclusion of the program.  We try to model singing with communities whose members often will not have sheet music and model the best in song-leading—for worship, school, justice, and camp.  



Check out our 2024 course offerings:
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Photos by Susan Shane-Linder and Aydin Mayers

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