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We have an exciting Spring 2022 Catalog of teachers, musicians and experts from across the community and on a variety of topics  - we can't wait to get to work!


Each Session will be from 8:00pm - 9:15pm Eastern/7:00pm - 8:15pm Central/6:00pm - 7:15pm Mountain/5:00pm - 6:15pm Pacific AND available on demand in our membership forum.


While each course is offered individually, membership includes all workshops as part of the package of benefits.


Registration for workshops opens on Wednesday, January 19th. Here's the line-up:


Wednesday February 16, 2022 
Getting at the Core- Prayer for Kids and Families

Eliana Light, expert educator, musician, and leader of conversation about t’fillah (prayer) for every age, will invite us to explore how t’fillah can be a potent tool for strengthening the spiritual core of our kids and families
Wednesday March 9, 2022
From What To Why:
How Leading with Our Prayer Vision
Informs How We Shape Multi-access Space

Rabbi Sam Blustin and Cantor Rosalie Will will focus on the big questions of why we gather to pray communally, we will explore how the questions we ask - of ourselves, of our communities, and of our prayer itself - will help us make sense of the many ways we might create sacred space.  Best principles and best practices will be shared.  
Wednesday April 20, 2022
New Voices, New Music

Artists Rabbi Noah Diamondstein, Lucy Greenbaum,  and Deborah Sacks Mintz will share dynamic new repertoire which will speak to the ways we can expand what it means to build community.  Through the modalities, forms, and energy of singing, these artists challenge us to consider how music can invite a more inclusive, deeply meaningful, and justice filled space. Come and sing!
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Relationship Before Task: Weaving Community with Care

Join Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife, founder and Kohenet of Kesher Pittsburgh and Oreget Kehilah / Executive Director of Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute, as we reflect on the power of relationships when building strong and lasting communities. This interactive workshop will include opportunities to consider what has been successful, and what we can learn from what hasn't worked, as well as a chance to consider practical actions that your community can take to infuse relationality into your communal context.


Wednesday June 8, 2022 
What’s Hot at Hava Nashira

Guests from our 2022 Hava Nashira faculty will share some of the new repertoire lifted up during the conference, and share some key learnings and new ideas shared by participants and faculty alike.

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