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Zach Singer Guitar
Guitar for Worship, Songleading and Performing -
What to practice, how and why!

After a great class last year, folks are asking for more guitar for leading support from our friend Zach. Some are interested for personal growth, and some as a way to advance their career or deepen their involvement with their Jewish community.


With a focus on leading for worship, using common prayer melodies and challenges of guitar leading from the bimah, small class sizes will allow for some coaching, master-class work, and sharing with each other.


We are thrilled to offer more skills training with our Zach this fall.


 Thursdays, October 19 and 26, November 2, 9, and 16, 2023
from 1 - 2pm Eastern

Week 1 Getting started: Choosing a guitar, posture, stretches, simple warm-ups, and the best way to change strings.


Week 2 All the chords you'll ever need: Go through two original chord diagram pages. Find songs that can cinlude each one. Learn how to decode what's necessary to play when a chord you don't know is on the music, and the fundamentals of barre chords.


Week 3 Everything you need to know to start a lifelong fingerpicking journey: Collect the traditional PIMA four finger technique, a common three finger method and a Jewish sounding slap with alternatint bass. 


Week 4 Strumming: Learn patterns, how to use them and how to never think of them again.


Week 5 Putting it all together: Summarizing all the methods at a rapid pace, working on a few well known melodies commonly used for worship, which between them include everything.


You can sign up for the whole series or just the classes you want to attend! We will send you and invoice you can pay online after you register.

Zach Singer is a  singer-songwriter, graduate of Berklee College of Music and a veteran of the secular and Jewish music scenes in Los Angeles and Austin, Texas. He currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. He’s played guitar for 30 years and has taught over 200 students of all ages from beginners to professionals. Check out his new album here .

Video: Hammer-On

GTM logo, 50 Years.jpeg

presented in partnership with the Guild of Temple Musicians

Choose one or more classes, or choose the five-pack.
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